Emergency Department Operations

ED Operations

Dr. Brian Eastridge

The STRAC Regional Emergency Department Operations (ED Ops) committee is charged with overseeing all aspects of the clinical and operational issues that impact Emergency Departments in Trauma Service Area – P (TSA-P). This includes, but is not limited to ED Diversion, EMS Interaction, sharing of best practices, and identification of issues that have impact to the emergency patient. The committee works collaboratively with the trauma, cardiac, stroke, and emergency preparedness (EHDG) committees to ensure continuity of care for those time-dependent pathologies. The group is multi-disciplinary multi-organizational, and will utilize collaboration and consensus as the model for decision-making.

If you would like more information about STRAC ED Operations, please Contact Us.

Heat Guidelines

Regional Heat-Related MCI Response

Regional Heat Stroke Guidelines

Committees and Workgroups

Co-Chairs: Brandy Martinez, RN
Mike Shown, LP
Meets: Second Tuesday, Monthly
10:00AM - 11:30AM
Emergency Department Operations
Co-Chairs: Ralph Riviello, MD
Pam Dwyer, RN
Meets: Fourth Monday, Monthly
2:30PM - 4:00PM
EMS Leaders
Co-Chairs: David Jung, LP
Casey Ebrom, EMT-P, FP-C
Meets: First Friday, Even Months
10:00AM - 12:00PM
EMS Medical Directors
Chair: David Miramontes, MD
Meets: First Tuesday, Odd Months
12:00PM - 1:00PM

ED Operations Resources

TitleCategoriesCreation DateLinkhf:doc_categories
Regional Carbon Monoxide GuidelinesFebruary 19, 2025guideline
EMS Door Access ReportingFebruary 14, 2025guide
Psychiatric Transfer Form – PediatricJanuary 30, 2025form
Hospital Selection GuideNovember 16, 2024quick-reference
Regional Heat Stroke GuidelinesMay 30, 2024guideline
Narcan Administration Guidelines for LEMay 30, 2024guideline
Psychiatric Inpatient Facility Capabilities GridFebruary 25, 2024quick-reference
COVID-19 Testing for Behavioral Health PatientsNovember 1, 2023white-paper
Sepsis Alert ProtocolSeptember 1, 2023guideline
PI Case Review FormSeptember 1, 2023form
Regional Head Injury CPGAugust 4, 2023algorithms
MEDCOM Transfer FormJuly 25, 2023form
Decon Site SelectionJuly 20, 2023decon
Radiological Monitor Alarm AlgorithmJuly 20, 2023algorithms
EMResource Instructions for MCI Bed CountsMay 15, 2023quick-reference
Regional Transfer PacketMarch 30, 2023quick-reference
MCI Trailer InventoryFebruary 13, 2023spreadsheet
QTc Safe Threshold for Psych AdmissionJune 1, 2022white-paper
Regional Burn Transfer and EMS Scene Transport AlgorithmFebruary 21, 2022algorithms
STRAC Regional ECMO Consultation GuidelinesJanuary 24, 2022guideline
Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection (NSTI) Referral GuidelinesJune 1, 2021guideline
EMS Time Out FormDecember 11, 2019form
Regional Hand Injury/Amputation AlgorithmDecember 10, 2019algorithms
Red/Blue Criteria – Pedi/Adult/GeriDecember 1, 2019quick-reference
Regional SJS/TENS Transfer ProtocolOctober 8, 2019algorithms
Personal DosimeterMay 3, 2018decon
Active Shooter: How to Respond BookletJanuary 1, 2017guideline
FEC Typing MatrixJanuary 1, 2016guideline
ED Diversion Memorandum of UnderstandingAugust 1, 2015mou
HELP (Hospital Exec Leadership Protocol)February 1, 2015quick-reference
Animal Bite FormJuly 1, 2013form
Patient Triage GuideAugust 29, 2011quick-reference
Heart Alert CriteriaFebruary 11, 2010quick-reference
EMS Patient ParkingMarch 20, 2002quick-reference
Ground to Air Ambulance Helipad TransfersJuly 25, 2001guideline