Hospital Preparedness Program

San Fransisco Ambulance

The Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) provides leadership to improve surge capacity and enhance community and hospital preparedness to respond to emergencies and disasters. The program is managed by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), which provides programmatic oversight and works with partners such as STRAC to ensure the program’s goals are met or exceeded.

HPP has advanced the preparedness of hospitals and communities in numerous ways, including through planning for all-hazards, increasing surge capacity, tracking the availability of beds and other resources using electronic systems, and developing communication systems that are interoperable with other response partners.

If you would like more information on the STRAC Hospital Preparedness Program, please Contact Us.

History of the Hospital Preparedness Program

The National Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program (NBHPP) was established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in 2002 to enhance hospitals’ ability to respond to a biological attack. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) originally administered the program and provided funding and guidance to hospitals. NBHPP supported increases in stockpiles of equipment, supplies, and pharmaceuticals that would not have been purchased by financially strained institutions without the program.

In 2006, the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act established the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response. ASPR’s mission areas cover a wide array of preparedness and medical response capabilities, including the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) its Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMATs), the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), the National Health Security Strategy (NHSS), and the HPP. In its new location, the HPP would be poised to ensure the healthcare system preparedness enterprise supports identified and newly emerging medical surge capacity and capability requirements at all levels of government, those identified during real-time medical and public health events, and through Federal and State/local/territorial and tribal coordinated exercises.

Since the implementation of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA), the program made a major programmatic shift from bioterrorism and an emphasis on capacity building (e.g., quantities of surge beds, amount of PPE, etc.), to an all-hazards preparedness approach under PAHPA, emphasizing capabilities (e.g., use hospital staff, resources, training, etc.) to provide care in the event of a real or simulated event.

In 2023, the federal government realigned the functions of ASPR to reflect the changes mandated by the 21st Century Cures Act, the PAHPA, and Advancing Innovation Act to address ever-increasing manmade and naturally occurring threats which degrade public health, access to healthcare, access to emergency medical services and national security. ASPR is now the Office of the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response allowing for ASPR to be operational and able to mobilize a coordinate national response during future disasters.

Committees and Workgroups

Meets: Second Wednesday, Quarterly
1:00PM - 3:00PM
Decontamination / Radiation Safety
Chair: Bruce Parkes
Meets: Third Thursday, Monthly
1:30PM - 3:30PM
EMS / Hospital Disaster Group (EHDG)
Meets: Third Friday, Monthly
2:00PM - 4:00PM
Everbridge Users
Meets: Second Friday, Even Months
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Chair: Angela Morgan
Meets: As Needed
Hospital Plans / Advisory Group
Chair: Chillon Montgomery
Meets: Third Friday, Monthly
1:00PM - 3:00PM
Infection Control
Chair: Carol Villareal
Meets: Fourth Thursday, Odd Months
2:00PM - 3:00PM
Materials and Facilities Managers
Co-Chairs: Justen Noakes
Joaquin Jaimes
Meets: Fourth Thursday, Even Months
8:30AM - 9:30AM
Mental Health
Chair: Camillia McKinney
Meets: Fourth Tuesday, Odd Months
9:00AM - 10:00AM
Regional Medical Operations Center Training
Meets: Quarterly
Security Directors / Unified ID Badge
Meets: Last Wednesday, Quarterly
10:00AM - 12:00PM
Contact STRAC
STRAC EP&R Helps With:
  • Hospital Emergencies
  • PSAP Communication Outages
Contact MEDCOM
MEDCOM Helps With:
  • Trauma Patient Transfers
  • Extended EMS Wall Times
  • HELP Calls
  • Request for EMTF 8 Assets
  • Rescue Team Requests

Hospital Preparedness Program Resources

TitleCategoriesCreation DateLinkhf:doc_categories
Decon Train the Trainer CourseMarch 10, 2025decon
Hospital Selection GuideNovember 16, 2024quick-reference
Decon First Receiver TrainingNovember 6, 2024decon
Decon Algorithm for HospitalsSeptember 15, 2023decon
Radio Check ProceduresSeptember 15, 2023radio-communication
General Radio Communication TechniquesSeptember 15, 2023radio-communication
Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Template | Otto KaiserAugust 28, 2023algorithms
Decon Abilities Assessment for HospitalsAugust 17, 2023decon
See Something, Say SomethingAugust 17, 2023quick-reference
Emergency Management InstituteAugust 17, 2023quick-reference
FEMA ICS OverviewAugust 15, 2023education
Critical Infrastructure SecurityAugust 15, 2023quick-reference
Know What 2 DoAugust 8, 2023quick-reference
Run. Hide. Fight.August 8, 2023video
Decon Site SelectionJuly 20, 2023decon
Radiological Monitor Alarm AlgorithmJuly 20, 2023algorithms
MCI Trailer InventoryFebruary 13, 2023spreadsheet
Water Connection and SurveyAugust 2, 2022quick-reference
Personal DosimeterMay 3, 2018decon
Hospital Plain Language AlertsMarch 1, 2018white-paper
Active Shooter: How to Respond BookletJanuary 1, 2017guideline
FEC Typing MatrixJanuary 1, 2016guideline
ED Diversion Memorandum of UnderstandingAugust 1, 2015mou
Decon Tent Set Up (Zumro)September 29, 2014decon
Patient Triage GuideAugust 29, 2011quick-reference
Radio User Guide – SatelliteMay 3, 2006radio-communication
Radio User Guide – Kenwood TMD-700December 15, 2005radio-communication
Vortran Auto Resuscitator GuideApril 14, 2005decon