Thank you for attending the 2025 National Whole Blood Summit!

The National Whole Blood Summit will take place on July 15th, 2025, followed by the STRAC Regional Emergency Healthcare Systems Conference. on July 16-17th, 2025. To learn more about the STRAC conference please visit









Early bird pricing available until May 1st!

You Know Why...
Now Learn How

The STRAC Regional Whole Blood Consortium presents a novel model for the development of a Low-Titer O-Positive Whole Blood (LTOWB) program. This program provides participants an example of how to augment remote damage control resuscitation strategies; and how to integrate and collaborate with multi-disciplinary stakeholder teams, within a trauma system, to optimize efficiency, performance, and safety of a LTOWB program.

The National Whole Blood Academy is presented in beautiful San Antonio, Texas. This two-day event encompasses didactic presentations from LTOWB subject matter experts discussing real-world wins, challenges, and obstacles experienced during the development and implementation of this program.

Ideally, anyone and everyone involved in providing pre-hospital whole blood to patients (Paramedics, Department Chiefs, Training Officers, Blood Bankers, Trauma Surgeons) attend together to promote collaboration and system building.

July 14, 2025